Wed 28 July 2o21 0800 am In research, writing is an integral part of the research. Prof Alan Macfarlane, the author of almost 20 books, guided more than 400 researchers, explains beautifully, saying that ‘Stop Thinking, Start Writing’. He explains how we have to think like a painter, making rough sketches of our thoughts without…
Author: admin
Bird Flight – Extreme Aerodynamics
Downwash & Induced Drag The flow pattern at the tip of the finite wing generates a vortical flow field. The trailing vortices create a ‘downwash’ at the wing that rotates the freestream velocity downwards vectorially. These vortices make the resultant lift force vector rotate backward, which gives rise to a force that is in the…
My PhD Journey: Attempt at Blog 1
PhD journey is daunting. Make no exceptions from that. The overall journey will transform you as an individual, be rest assured. Right from the gruelling admission procedure to getting used to the university rules and regulations, guidelines, coursework registration (more so in this online study mode), carrying out the coursework in the first year.
Control & Guidance : A primer
The major lift producing component of an aerospace vehicle is the wing surface and the control deflection is provided by the control surfaces. When the control moment and the aerodynamic moment are balanced, this state is called the trim state of the vehicle. For a statically stable vehicle(C.G. ahead of C.P.), the control moment generated…