It’s time the complex world of Computational Fluid Dynamics is unravelled by the intuitive understanding of 4th paradigm of Science, Data Science, where, the mathematical logic, statistics , correlation between variables and parameters along with the domain knowledge are brought together in one place. By levereging the techniques of data analytics and machine learning algorithms,…
Author: admin
TinTin – Herge’s Timeless Creation
On Thursday 8 May 1930, the train from Moscow pulled into Brussels’ Gare du Nord. Station officials fought to control a huge and excited crowd that surged forward, eager to catch a glimpse of their hero. As the big black engine drew to a halt, the carriage doors opened and a familiar quiff was spotted…
The evolvement of Navier-Stokes Equation: Newton to Prandtl
The Navier-Stokes equation evolved over centuries of what we see today. Following is the chronological list of how the Navier-Stokes equation evolved in time: 17th century – 1687 – Newton (Mechanics, 3 laws of motion, Calculus(helped in the early concept of inviscid flow) 1738 – Bernoulli’s Equation – Pressure differential is the implied acceleration. 1740’s…