What is Good Writing!
- Good writing communicates the ideas clearly and effectively.
- Good writing is elegant and stylish (Happens in revision, polished during editing).
What makes a Good Writer!
- Write about something of your passion.
- Logical Thinking.
- A few simple, learnable rules of style (some basic tools).
- Good writing is a skill, can be learned.
- Have some imagination.
- Read a lot (everything, every genre, professional writing, pay attention to the style of writing).
- Write in a journal every day, regularly.
- Write to engage your readers, not to bore them.
- Say something new and exciting.
- Stop waiting for ‘inspiration’..start writing.
- Writing is hard even for professional writers…so just start writing.
- Revise. Nobody gets is perfect on the first draft…get it done on paper.
- Learn how to cut ruthlessly. Never become too attached to your own words.
- Cut the clutter.
- Sentences should be enjoyable and easy to read.
- Take risks in your writing, come out of the box, have your own voice in writing. (Be funny and provocative in your writing, it’s fine).
- Use active voice (subject+verb+object)
- Write with verbs: use strong verbs, avoid turning verbs into nouns, and don’t bury the main verb.
What not to do!
- Don’t make complicated, long sentences.
- Don’t make sentences obscure.
- Don’t use spunky verbs.
- Complex ideas don’t require complex language.
- Scientific writing should be easy and enjoyable to read.
- Don’t use acronyms except for the standard ones.
- Cut unnecessary phrases and words, learn to part with your words.