A short blog on discovering the Singular-Value Decomposition (SVD) method for matrix factorization. Singular-Value Decomposition The Singular-Value Decomposition, or SVD for short, is a matrix decomposition method for reducing a matrix to its constituent parts in order to make certain subsequent matrix calculations simpler. A = U . Sigma . V^T where, A is the…
Category: Learn Blogs
Aerodynamics QnA
1. Stream-function vorticity formulation removes higher-order terms from Navier-Stokes equations ? 2.Stream-function vorticity formulation can be used for simulating a 3-dimensional flow. 3. If dye is injected into a liquid at a fixed point in the flow field, then at a later time t, the dye will indicate the end points of the path lines…
Aerodynamics is the fundamental enabling science that underpins the aerospace industry. Without the ability to generate lift from airflow passing over aircraft wings, helicopter rotor blades, and jet engine turbine blades, it would not have been possible to fly the sophisticated heavier-than-air vehicles and design future flight vehicles. Much of the development of current highly…
Effective Writing
What is Good Writing! Good writing communicates the ideas clearly and effectively. Good writing is elegant and stylish (Happens in revision, polished during editing). What makes a Good Writer! Write about something of your passion. Logical Thinking. A few simple, learnable rules of style (some basic tools). Good writing is a skill, can be learned….